Before & After

Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Crack Repair on Greenville, SC Driveway Using Nexus Pro

Nexus Pro is a newer product that we have been using more recently. It is an excellent solution to sealing cracks in outdoor, concrete foundations like driveways. On this particular project, the driveway began cracking because the earth under it was shifting, which was causing cracks in both the driveway and the retaining wall. Our crew used wall anchors in order to prevent any further shifting.

However, there is no good way to get rid of the cracks other than to replace the entire driveway, or do some concrete patchwork. These are both bad ideas because to replace the entire driveway would be expensive, and to do patchwork, you would still run the risk of it cracking. Therefore, the best option for this homeowner was to use Nexus Pro. While it doesn't make the cracks disappear, but rather seals them.

 As you can see in the after photo, the Nexus Pro makes quite a difference and helps to protect the driveway. It is unlike other sealants in that it resists drying out, bubbling, and cracking. It is a much longer lasting product than other sealants. Once the Nexus Pro completely dries, it is duller and isn't as noticeable as it is in the second photo.

SmartJacks installed in Moore, SC Crawlspace

This Moore, SC home needed some help with its foundation. The home had begun to sag and needed something to rely on. Thanks to our All-Dry of the Carolinas team we were able to give this home’s foundation the support it needed! In the “before” pictures it might not be obvious, but the floor joist had begun to stag coming awfully close to the pipes in the crawlspace. In the “after” picture you see that a SmartJack was added to give the foundation the support it needed. The Smartjack helped lift up the floor joist where it had begun to sink bringing the homes floors back to an even level.

Cracking Lakemont, GA Foundation Has Push Piers Installed to Stabilize Foundation

Foundation issues are very serious and can lead to more extensive damage to a home if not taken care of promptly and correctly. There are a number of different foundation issues that can plague a home. One of the ones that we see most often are cracks forming on brick/block foundations. These foundation cracks are usually caused by unstable soil that has settled after the home was built. This is an unfortunate situation but the condition will only get worse as time goes on. 

 This happened to be the situation that this homeowner was in when they called, however they weren't aware of it. This homeowner actually initially called to have our Specialist take a look because of high moisture levels in the crawlspace (which we were able to fix for them). During the initial inspection, our Specialist noticed some cracks in the foundation around the back side of the home. Our Design Specialist notified the homeowner about the cracks and what we could do to take care of the cracks and provide a stable foundation for the home. 

While these photos don't show a great deal of change, the transformation that this home has gone through is quite incredible. There were a total of nine push piers installed on the  backside of this home in order to properly stabilize the home and help to take care of the cracks that had formed. In the second photo you can see one of the push piers while the home was being lifted. 

SmartJacks installed in Central, SC

Foundation issues are a problem that should never be put on hold. As much as we want it to be able to stop, the problem will grow and become worse as time passes. This Central, SC homeowner had major issues in the basement. The moister under the home had caused foundation to weaken and shift. But our All-Dry of the Carolinas team has the perfect permanent solution to this issue with SmartJacks!

Foundation Repair in Simpsonville, SC

This homeowner had some very serious cracking on the side of their home. While these two photos show one of the more severe cracks on the home, it certainly was not the only area that needed some foundation support. As you may imagine, having large cracks in your home can be dangerous and very expensive if not taken care of quickly. To help get the home back to a more level and stable place, we use our Push piers, which are driven deep into the ground and help to raise the foundation, essentially pushing the home back together. Once back together, the crack is filled with mortar to seal it up.

In the "before" photo you can see that this crack was not small or could have easily been looked over. It was a huge crack that definitely needed to be taken care of. A majority of the crack is about an inch wide, while some parts (towards the top left) are almost two inches wide.

The "after" photo shows the difference that the push piers made in raising and leveling the foundation. The great thing about push piers are that, not only do they help to get the foundation to a level place, but they will not settle like foundation (which is the cause of the problem in the first place). So the push piers help correct the problem, then prevent the problem from reoccurring.

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