Wet Spot on Carpet
Wet concrete can be a big enough issue, but wet carpet can be an even bigger issue. It may be difficult to see, but the entire corner in this picture is completely soaked with water, not because someone spilled, but because of the water intrusion in the home. Water soaks into the carpet and can fester there for much longer than it would on concrete. Both are bad, but the carpet can be even worse.

Area of Water Intrusion
This is a closet area that is right next to the area in the first picture, and is the actually "source" of the water intrusion. This area was in pretty bad shape from all of the water that had been coming in, and this can been seen by looking at the board at the bottom of the wall (it is the entirely black thing).

Another View of Affected Area
Here is the same area as before, but with a little wider view. The area affected area can be seen again, on the lower left-hand side of the wall. Fortunately, with the help of some amazing products, we were able to turn the health of this basement completely around.

Future Location of the Sump Pump
This is the same area as in the photos before, just before our products were to be installed. As you will see in later pictures, this closet will be where the SuperSump pump will be installed. This is an ideal place for the sump pump to be located, because not only is it very close to where the water is coming in, but it is also in a closet, so that the system is almost 100% hidden (unless you open the door of course).

Location for WaterGuard to be Installed
Again, all of this work was done in this same area, but this photo shows off a little further into the room, which was also having issues with water intrusion. This is why our Systems Design Specialist suggested WaterGuard to be installed in this area. The WaterGuard ran all the way down this wall.

Installed WaterGuard Drain
Here is the final product! This is the installed WaterGuard drain along this bedroom wall. The WaterGuard leaves a gap between the wall and floor, so that and water that comes in, immediately drains into the WaterGuard and then the sump pump. After the concrete dries up, the carpet will be laid back down, and you won't be able to notice anything was done at all!

Installed SuperSump Pump System
This photo shows the installed SuperSump in this closet area. The sump pump helps to pump out any and all water that makes its way into the basement. This is a crucial part in the process because even though the WaterGuard does the job of collecting the water, it is essentially useless without a way to get the water out of the basement.

Installed Sump Pump with WaterWatch Alarm
Here is the same sump pump that was shown in the last photo, the main difference between the pictures is the installed WaterWatch alarm. This alarm is actually a very important safety feature to have in place on a sump pump. This alarm will sound if water rises above the point where the pump should turn on. It is important because it allows the owner time to address the problem, and hopefully fix it before the area floods. One of the best ways to make sure your pumps are functioning properly is to make sure to get annual maintenance on your system!