Before & After

Foundation Repair Before & After Photos

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Foundation Repair in Candler, NC

CarbonArmor Fabric is a product that we don't get to use that often, so when we do get to use it, we like to show it off! CarbonArmor is made up of carbon fibers that are woven together. Many people have heard of carbon-fiber before, but don't always know what it is or what it can do. Carbon fiber is an excellent product to use (especially for a job like this) because its immense strength but also because of its weight, or lack of it. Carbon fiber is 10 times as strong as steel, however, it is 5 times lighter.

The "before" photo shows what the basement looked like before the CarbonArmor Fabric was installed. While you are not able to see any visible bowing on this particular wall, you can see some stair-step cracks on the back wall. These cracks are almost always a sign of bowing walls or another type of foundation issue.

The "after" photo shows off the installed product, CarbonArmor Fabric. As you can see, there are four strips in this small section of the basement, over twenty were installed in total. While there is not that much of a visual difference between these two pictures, just having these 4 small strips will do this homeowner a world of good. Let's not forget about what was mentioned earlier, carbon fiber is 10 times stronger than steel. Would you rather have a small strip of carbon fiber or a steel beam that is much weaker?

Push Piers used in Foundation Repair in Canton, NC

This customer had a huge problem. They were in desperate need of some kind of foundation support system to fix these huge cracks in their home. Our crew installed our FSI Push Pier System in order to fix these and it really did the trick!

The "before" picture shows a huge crack in the customer's garage. We see small cracks which can cause a problem, but we hardly see cracks that you can see through to the outside!

The "after" photo shows the same crack after we installed our Push Piers and sealed the crack. You can see just how big of a difference the push piers can make! The best things about our products are that they give each and every one of our customers peace of mind after they are installed! This goes for both preventative work and work after the problem has already arisen.

Damp Bryson City, NC Crawlspace with Sagging Floors Has CleanSpace Encapsulation with SmartJacks Installed

Many times we have homeowners call in for a specific problem that they are dealing with in their basement or crawlspace. This problem is often about water getting into these areas, high moisture levels, or something similar to that. However upon further inspection our System Design Specialist noticed that parts of the home were sagging, which was being caused by poor support in the crawlspace. Our Design Specialist knew that we could handle the issues and offered a proposal to take care of both. 

The first picture shows off what the crawlspace looked like when our Specialist first went out to the home to help this homeowner with the high humidity levels. The crawlspace doesn't look too bad, but it definitely had some problems. It can sometimes be difficult to see high moisture levels, which is one reason they can go unnoticed. However, the girder was only held up by some cinder blocks and a few flimsy jacks, which is where the sagging floor was coming from. 

The after picture shows the same area, but with a much different look. The most obvious part is the CleanSpace that was installed in order to keep the water out of the crawlspace. It completely covers the floor and the majority of the walls in the crawlspace. The dehumidifier that was installed can also e seen on the right hand side of the photo. The dehumidifier helps to ensure that the humidity level of the crawlspace stays below the point where mold can grow. The crew also installed our SmartJacks and a new girder in order to provide the proper support for the home.

Push Pier Installation to Repair Lake Lure, NC Cracking Wall

This before and after is a little different because the work has already been completed and the crack has already been brought back towards its original position. This before and after is more to show the process after the push piers are installed, rather than the difference that they made in closing the crack (which was a huge difference). 

The "before" photo shows off the two installed push piers that had to be installed under this patio. The crack can also be seen at the top of the picture, and as you can see it is essentially completely closed up. Our crew had carefully removed a portion of the concrete that was just big enough for them to dig out the area and install the push piers. The great thing about push piers are that they are almost always completely in the ground once installed.

The "after" photo shows the same area but after the area had been filled back in. The crew filled the holes back up with the dirt they had removed and then began mixing concrete to cover the area. The concrete was poured and smoothed out, making it as good as new! Of course the old and new concrete will look a little different, but the most important part is that this homeowner doesn't have to worry about any further damage to their wall. 

SmartJacks installed in Lake Lure, NC

Foundation issues are a problem that should never be put on hold. As much as we want it to be able to stop, the problem will grow and become worse as time passes. This Lake Lure, NC homeowner had thought to hold off on getting his foundation issues fixed. However, after watching the floors continue to sag, he decided that he could put it off no longer..

When our team came to rectify the problem they brought along SmartJacks. The SmartJacks were placed under the floor joist of the home and then used to push the floors back into place. To install it, we excavate a two-foot cube at each SmartJack location. The hole is then filled with concrete or engineered to create a stable, loadbearing footing. The SmartJack sits on top of it with a custom-engineered base.

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